School Address: 216-A, Near BTM Chowk, Ashoka Road(Jamai Road), Bhiwani, Haryana – 127021

DWW Curriculum

Delhi Wonder World Curriculum

Delhi Wonder World’s Preschool Curriculum is unique in the way it uses the early years foundation stage (EYFS) curriculum as a framework combining with it values, special programs and cutting-edge approaches to learning based on extensive research and understanding of Early Childhood Development.

The curriculum is delivered through cross curricular topics with a unique approach to learning comprises Plan, Explore, Experiment and Review incorporating Eurhythmics and Kinder dance to lend spark and vivacity.

The wonder world’s distinctive curriculum approach is an innovative 21st century learning approach based on The Theory of Multiple Intelligence by Dr. Howard Gardner.

Sensory, Physical, Auditory, Kinaesthetic and Real leaning have Experiences where children will love the opportunity to experience child centred activities based on hands-on experience using both indoor and outdoor areas to consolidate learning.

At the beginning of the session the teachers Plan what they will do, where they will do and how they will do. Flash cards and photographs help the children to understand the activities.

The children are encouraged to become engaged in the activities planned for them while exploring. Thus, a rich and stimulating environment enhances learning and promotes independence. Teacher support encourages learning through role modelling and effective communication.

When children come back from their exploration, they review what and how they have done the activity. The teacher guides and leads the children into thinking about what they have achieved and how they can improve upon it.